About company
Компания «ДСВ Мебель» — ведущий производитель корпусной мебели из Поволжья. Более 9 лет мы производим мебель, которая дарит эмоции тысячам клиентов.
«ДСВ Мебель» начала своё существование в начале 2014 года. В основу работы компании заложены принципы команды и следование последним тенденциям в мире мебели. За все годы работы нам удалось пройти огромный путь — от маленького цеха до огромного мощного производства.
Production over 20 000 м²
The total area of the factory is over 20,000 m². At the center of development of the DSV Mebel company are end customers and partners. Hence the distinctive feature of the factory - optimal quality at an affordable price.
“Our goal is to create a great product of high quality for those buyers who appreciate and know a lot about furniture. Positive emotions of our clients are a feasible task for us! "
Factory foundation year
Product names
1 000+
Representatives throughout Russia
Experts create furniture for you
Wide range of
We are constantly working to expand the range and use modern design approaches to create our kitchens.
In production, we use PVC film, exclusive in terms of its consumer and visual properties.
A wide range of finished products is always available. We guarantee the shortest possible delivery times for our partners.
Warranty obligations
We are responsible for our own products and always value the trust of our customers. The production of quality products is ensured by modern European equipment.
We use environmentally friendly and safe materials, as well as quality fittings. We carry out multistage control over the products, from design to packaging and shipment. We guarantee a wide range of furniture, a huge selection of individual items and headsets that differ in design, functionality, cost.
We make beautiful furniture
Furniture should be liked by buyers, be appropriate for the apartment, fit into the design and comply with the latest market trends. Therefore, we constantly visit all the leading furniture exhibitions, follow the novelties of furniture factories, not only Russian, but also foreign ones. Our designers and production engineers create novelties, and all of them become sales leaders in the stores of our partners.